这个网站 This Website
Hi, I’m Kevin, an university student. Currently, this is my personal website, for my personal birding records and memories.
我的照片等 My Properties
网站上所有照片,目前都是我个人拍摄,所以啦, 版权,版权,版权,重要的事情说三遍,你懂的。有的时候没有和你打官司,并不是说我就放弃了法律这个武器。当然,为了尽量防止类似于某某视觉类网站的抓取盗用,多加了几个水印,确实有碍观瞻,见谅见谅。
All the photos in this website were taken by me. So, you should know, COPYRIGHTS.
All copyrights, including creative, photographs, images, articles, etc. of the website, such as copyrights, patents, trademarks, intellectual property rights, etc., are owned by the original author. Without the legal authorization of the original author or legitimate right holder, you are not allowed to change, transform, edit, spread or display for commercial purposes, such as marketing, sale, exhibitions, publications, etc. For personal study or research, please indicate the author and source.
联系方式 Contact Me
Please contact me with ibirding_cn#163.com (change # with @)
最后 Notes
Love nature, protect nature.
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